[RE-wrenches] bubbling Sanyo modules

Chris chris at solarwindworks.com
Thu Dec 13 12:11:39 PST 2012

Hi Larry,

We were just called out to an offgrid system that has the Kyocera 120-1's
with the 2001.5 date on them. 10 out of 16 appear to have burned
contacts/traces on them. Who is the contact or go to person on this at



Chris Worcester

Solar Wind Works
NABCEP Certified PV Installer
Phone: 530-582-4503
Fax: 530-582-4603
 <http://www.solarwindworks.com/> www.solarwindworks.com
 <mailto:chris at solarwindworks.com> chris at solarwindworks.com
"Proven Energy Solutions"


From: re-wrenches-bounces at lists.re-wrenches.org
[mailto:re-wrenches-bounces at lists.re-wrenches.org] On Behalf Of Larry
Crutcher, Starlight Solar Power Systems
Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2012 8:02 AM
To: RE-wrenches
Subject: Re: [RE-wrenches] bubbling Sanyo modules




If the cells are still "capable" of 80% or more but a defect is in cell
interconnection, junction box or whatever is preventing output, then the
power warranty does not apply. 


Example: The 1999 through 2002 Kyocera KC120-1's have been failing in the
thousands. A poorly soldered contact opens and 1/2 the module stops passing
power (Voc 10.5 V). To date, Kyocera is still exchanging these with
remanufactured units without any legal liability to do so. They even pay us
the labor to replace them more than 10 years out of warranty.  They have my
kudos for the way they are handling this.


A manufacturer will be on my sh!t list if they don't stand behind an obvious
production failure that is occurring in many modules. I hope this is not the
case with these Sanyo.

Larry Crutcher

Starlight Solar Power Systems



On Dec 5, 2012, at 12:03 AM, boB wrote:


On 12/4/2012 9:25 PM, benn kilburn wrote:


While the module may be past its workmanship warranty period, if the defect
affects the module's power output.... then i would argue that the power
output warranty should cover it.  That warranty should be good for 25yrs.

Anyone care to comment on that reasoning?



In a way, I don't quite understand the difference.

If a module plain old stops working because of workmanship or whatever,
isn't 0% of original output less than 80% of original output ??




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