Upcoming listserver move [RE-wrenches]
Michael Welch
michael.welch at re-wrenches.org
Sun May 18 09:46:31 PDT 2008
Hi wrenches. If you respond, please respond to me directly, off-list.
Since our new domain name is RE-Wrenches.org, it did not quite seem comfortable to also name the new listserver "RE-Wrenches."
And since there will be both electrical and thermal lists for pros on the server, "RE-Wrenches" did not cut it as an apt description that denotes the difference.
So I would like fast feedback on these two proposed names (if you have trouble figuring out which is which, we have a problem).
Elec-Tech at lists.re-wrenches.org
Thermal-Tech at lists.re-wrenches.org
BTW, the requirements for belonging to the Thermal list will be the same as for the Electrical list that we have now, except for the obvious that a member has to be a pro thermal installer.
Michael Welch wrote at 10:22 AM 2/15/2008:
>Here is what we are looking at:
>Having our own domain, re-wrenches.org (note my From: email address)
>Using Mailman as our listserver
>Moving the Biographies from Sharkey's site to our own
>Adding a file up- and download area for file sharing among list members
>Making the move as seamless as possible for you all
>And future possibilities:
>Moving the RE-Bitching list
>Offering our hosting to Bill Roush for the RE-Markets list
>Starting a new thermal-wrenches list
>Adding a Wrench Wiki
>Offering anybody that needs it an re-wrenches.org email address
>There are still some technical issues involved, including:
>Putting the archives in a format that Mailman can use (need a RegExp expert)
>Figuring out how to use one login and password for all functions of the site
>Home Power loves sponsoring this community, and we want to do it right and make it look good. So, because of the tech and aesthetics parts of this migration, I cannot give you an exact time that we will be finished and ready to go, or even if all three of the main features will be ready at once. But I did want you to know that we are working on it.
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Hosted by Home Power magazine
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