Fw: battery costs rising [RE-wrenches]

Bob Ellison reellison at gmail.com
Tue Oct 9 08:38:04 PDT 2007

I got 9 years out of a set of  8 Trojan L-16's
Only got 2 years out of a set of US Battery L-16's with the same
treatment (read as abuse) before the cells started failing. I have had
6 cells fail, one in each battery and 6 of 8 batteries. I presently in
the process of changing to a set of Deka's.
$174.00 is the present price and it is only a 100 mile drive one way
to get them!!!
It sounds like your price is in the ball park. We also have a $5.00
trade in fee on batteries in NYS that is not included in this price.
For the record I am in Northern New York.
The only thing I dislike about the Deka's is the lack of carrying
handles. The finger holes just don't seem to cut it after you move 2
batteries 2 feet or more!

Back in my cage,

On 10/9/07, Jeff Yago <jryago at netscape.com> wrote:
> As most of you know by now, the price of lead and scrap lead is heading out of sight, and this is making battery costs go up faster than we can keep up.  Just tomake sure our local supplier is not giving me the business, how about a reality check on prices in your area.
> We are currently paying $180.23 for the DECCA size L-16 size battery.  I think Trojan is a better battery, but the DECCA supplier is local and we can pick up at his dock anytime without pre-ordering and no shipping charges.   However, just two months ago we were paying $161.00 each, and last year we were paying around $133.00.
> What are you paying for a L-16 size battery these days, and what are you selling them for.  DO you pay shipping or can you find local?
> Thansk,
> Jeff Yago
> DTI Solar
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