: Grid-Tie Stumper (SMA Data Logging) [RE-wrenches]
Mo Rousso
mrousso at heliopower.com
Wed Apr 16 21:54:56 PDT 2003
This just in...
Went to site and checked for ground loops ‹ none found.
Talked with Edison at length and they swore up and down that the meter is
appropriate for net metering. Further, it has a mechanical dial face that I
actually witnessed decrement while PV system was operating. SCE also says
that they do physical reads and not remote reads, so the meter reader has to
eyeball these dials. Delving into the customer¹s consumption history shows
that their consumption did actually decrease compared to the same billing
periods from last year. The kWh decrease corresponds to my calculations for
kWh production from a system of this size. Still doesn¹t explain
aberrations from trials, though. However, SCE did offer to pull the meter
and have it calibrated.
Ergo, customer surmised that the salesperson over-promised and
under-delivered, which removed this issue from my plate. I¹m bummed that I
didn¹t find a smoking gun.
Mo Rousso
Renewable Energy Systems
Remote Power Solutions
mrousso at heliopower.com
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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