600 VDC switches [RE-wrenches]
Lawrence Elliott
larry at energyoutfitters.com
Fri Oct 11 01:27:39 PDT 2002
> The whole grounding paranoia we have here in the US makes no sense to
> me. It seems like the regulatory and inspector community has had
> "ground everything" beaten into them for so long they have forgotten
> ask why we do it in the first place. IMHO, the array should be
> not grounded, at all times and certainly when you work on it. Solidly
> grounding the array gives you a single fault lethal hazard which seems
> stupid to me. Fortunately the Sunny Boy's ground fault fuse IS the
> connection to ground and it is allowed to be there by Code because it
> part of the GFDI. I STRONGLY suggest everyone should remove the GFDI
> Fuse (after you open the DC disconnect of course) when ever you are
> installing or servicing the array. DO NOT assume, however, that the
> array is ungrounded since it could have a ground fault or other
> Remember: A dead arrays is like an unloaded gun - There ain't no such
> thing.
My hat is off to you.
I am so glad to see someone in your position finally suggest "that the
king has no clothes" in reference to grounding.
I think your reference to "paranoia" though is a little too mild in
describing what I see in the field.
In virtually every install I have ever had inspected the first thing the
inspector does is make sure that all is grounded. That is usually the
first and also the last thing he does.
Seems if it's grounded "then all is safe".
I always float the array no matter what and since most of the inspectors
are only concerned in checking at the ground rod they pass it.
I have always seen the grounding as just another source of shock that
originally did not exist.
Larry Elliott
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