furnace [RE-wrenches]
Ray Walters
remotech at taosnm.com
Thu Apr 18 03:15:01 PDT 2002
>Watch out about trying to run new furnaces with inverters (even SW's). I
>know of several examples where the unit won't work. A variable speed blower
>motor might have some real problems as well.
>Travis Creswell
>Ozark Energy Services
Trace's SW (Step Wave Series)definitely causes probs with the variable
speed blowers in Trane products. A 50 microfarad cap across the inverter AC
out seemed to cure that ill, but overall the gas fired Air conditioner
still pulled almost 2500 watts for a 3 ton unit and had to run all day to
even begin to cool down the vacation home. Definitely a generator load. I
try to stay away from PV powering any standard forced air systems. Anybody
ever try those PV direct swamp coolers?
- - - -
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