Who's Who in Wrenching [RE-wrenches]

Michael Welch, Home Power michael.welch at homepower.com
Wed Nov 7 09:37:52 PST 2001

Please allow me to clarify. If someone qualifies as a wrench, they are allowed on this list, whether they are currently scraping knuckles or not. There are a handful of folks on this list that fit that category. Some are doing tech support for their companies, some have a more administrative function in their companies.

Several of these folks have contributed greatly to this list. Most list members, currently active installing dealers or not, simply lurk in the background and learn from seasoned pros.

When I get a request to join this list, I ask for qualifications. If someone says the right words, or I get other indication of qualification, they get added to the list.

That said, I am not perfect. If any of you feel that I may have added an unqualified person to the list, I welcome correction. But don't just email me and say someone is not qualified. I want to know details of why someone is unqualified as a wrench before I take the drastic step of re-questioning their involvement.

If someone wants to start a new list, that's OK with me. It is no simple task to manage such a list, fair warning.

Daryl DeJoy wrote at 11:28 AM 11/07/2001 -0500:
>That's funny, I thought the reason this list was called "the wrench list" was because it was for wrenches only!
>I've tried to approach this topic diplomatically but have never really gotten a satisfactory answer before. When I joined this list I was asked in no uncertain terms whether I was actually an installing, hands on PV person. I guess I assumed incorrectly that if I wasn't , I wouldn't have been allowed on. I do look forward to the day when there is a true wrench list and the valuable experience I've gained by my skinned knuckles isn't passed on to every .com person who can afford to sell cheaper because their overhead is much less than mine. I need to stock PVC, split bolts, cable of all types, lugs, and on and on. (you wrenches know what I mean). More money is made in the sale than the installation and very rarely do you get people buying a furnace over the internet because it's cheaper. Saying a proper PV installation is easy for the average buyer is very misleading. To someone familiar with furnaces, yes, the installation of one is easy, but I wouldn't want the average PV customer installing either my PV system nor my furnace.. I think this is a fair and reasonable comparison.
>I'm sure I suitably raised the hackles of at least a few .com-mers today. What do you think, wrenches???
>Daryl DeJoy
>Penobscot Solar Design

Michael Welch

"Time is the greatest teacher. Unfortunately it kills all its students"
			Hector Berlioz

Michael Welch, michael.welch at homepower.com www.homepower.com
     Managing Editor, Home Power magazine
     Office Coordinator, Redwood Alliance
     (Not HP mag numbers) 707-822-7884 fax: 707-822-3481

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