SW generator control question [RE-wrenches]
John Veix, Solar Electric Specialists
gosolar at xtra.co.nz
Wed Feb 21 13:02:37 PST 2001
> Seems like the biggest job for most of us is
> education...
Dear all.....
I couldn't agree more with that statement. Last month I co-organized a
'Sustainable Energy Fair' for our area - it was intended to raise awareness of RE
and provide information to public. In that respect it was successful.
Education is such a really vitally important aspect of our industry. But I'm only
1 person and can only shoot so many ducks out of the water. As groups we can help
by having the RE Fairs that go down so well. But even then, you feel that you are
preaching to the converted.
One of the problems we face as a group is that most of us are techies and are used
to solving 'hardware-type' of problems. Don't we have any 'left-side-of
-the-brain' type of people that can provide input into how to educate the masses.
One big thing that I have noticed - as a result of the CA electricity crisis, more
media info on GHG, rising temps of the earth, etc - more and more people are
becoming aware of the issues. Maybe that is what is needed....... maybe we can
get Richard or Michael to front a tv programme, or go on the Tonight programme,
somehow get us more national (and international) media exposure.
Bill Roush submitted an article to the KC Star, maybe more of us could start to do
that - somehow get the ball rolling.
We need an educated thinker to help solve this problem.
Best regards, John V.(the solar missionary)
- - - - - - -
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