Request from RG techie [RE-wrenches]

Jim Hartley grail at
Sat Jan 6 10:23:31 PST 2001

Windy Dankoff, Dankoff Solar wrote:
> Wrenches,
> I've worked with Doug Pratt many times over the last 10 years or so, 
> when he's had questions about applying our pumps. He's a very 
> competent system designer and a genuine wrench. I believe he is the 
> center of competence at RG remote power division. He should have a 
> welcome place in our group.
> When I was a system retailer, I found it no problem to compete with 
> RG prices, as they are not generally competitive. On the contrary, 
> when a prospective customer would come in with a ragged copy of RG 
> Sourcebook under his/her arm, I always smiled knowing that he/she had 
> done some useful homework, and was pre-qualified.
> Remember, there are lots of capable do-it-yourselfers out there. 
> Didn't most of us get started that way? And, there are people whose 
> extreme remoteness gives them little choice but order by catalog. 
> Lower-level RG sales people may be prone to mis-advising out of 
> ignorance, but if "Dr. Doug" is involved, they are getting "remote 
> wrenching" on a professional level.
> Windy

Okay, then, I want him here.  The more experience the better.

Jim Hartley
Business Email: JamesHartley at
Direct Email: grail at

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