Grid Tie 240 VAC w/ transfer switch? [RE-wrenches]
Bob-O Schultze, Electron Connection
econnect at
Wed Aug 8 20:51:53 PDT 2001
ASSUMING (because you don't say) that your customer wants a manual
switch (else how would he know he had an outage and to "power down"?)
and that he has a 200A service, you could put in a manual 200A DPDT
or 3PDT switch. Two cautions. One, they are a big mother, far bigger
than a separate service panel, so what's the point? Two, you'll have
to have the utility power the house down or work getting the feeders
into the switch hot. Doable, but a little scary. Feeding a dual 60A
CB and can from the utility side of the switch to the AC1 inputs
should be no problem IF you can find a way to do it without sticking
your #6 wires in the same lug as your 200A (probably 4/0 AL) feeders.
That would work but be a NEC no-no.
>Dear Wrenches:
>My client's system is in California; he has two Bergey XL 1's on order, and
>has two Trace SW4024's and six 120W modules. He is in a place with rolling
>power outages and wants back-up (vis a vis eight of the Surrette S460
>batteries). His power is rarely out for more than an hour at a time. His
>site offers excellent sun and winds, with 15 to 18 mph averages.
>But, he doesn't want a separate sub-panel for his important loads. Has
>anyone done a grid-tie with a transfer switch (located before the main
>electrical service panel), where one side of the transfer switch is from
>utility power, and the other leg is 240VAC from the inverter's output? My
>client wants total back up not just dedicated loads, and says he'll "power
>down" in the event of a power failure (and yes, I've cautioned him that if
>the grid fails, it would be easy to max out his inverters). There is no
>fuel generator integrated into this system.
>I've talked with a nice fellow from Asco ( about
>whether their transfer switches would work for this application. We both
>think it would--but know of no one who's tested or tried this.
>One thing I'm uncertain about, code-wise, is feeding the utility input into
>the AC 1 "in", from the utility side of the transfer switch (like, with a
>separate 60A circuit breaker).
>Anybody got any ideas or experience with this type of system? I'd
>appreciate any advice you could offer.
>Chris Daum
>Oasis Montana Inc.
>406-777-4321 or 4309
>406-777-2632 fax
- - - -
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