multiple SW inverters on a small AC source [RE-wrenches]
hugh piggott
hugh.piggott at
Fri Mar 9 06:01:34 PST 2001
>Should work no problem. Just make sure you set the AC2 size carefully so
>you don't overload it. Then when the loads on the inverters is larger
>than the AC2 input, the inverter will help it.
thanks for the reassurance, that is how I plan to run it, but theory
is often different from practice. I have connected 2 sw2512's to a
15kVA genset before but this is a smaller source and I worry about
instability. A friend who knows a bit about control systems tells me
that the inverter current regulator softwares will interact through
the common supply voltage. I hope he is wrong.
>I'm curious, what type of regulation are you using? Killer site!
I plan to use an induction motor with capacitor compensation (I have
good experiences with this). The regulators I use are very nice PWM
voltage regulators made by Smith Associates for the purpose.
I also worry about the power factor implications of using induction
motors with the trace sw's. If you change the power factor the
frequency of the hydro will also change. On those induction motor
systems a motor start (fridge etc) can hit the capacitors and reduce
excitation of the motor, leading to slight overspeed and thus a shift
in frequency. This might result in the Traces rejecting the AC
It'll be fun anyway :-)
Scoraig, Scotland
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