Xantrex ST performance [RE-wrenches]
Chris Daum
info at oasismontana.com
Wed Feb 14 14:43:26 PST 2001
Hello Wrenches:
Another note on the SunTies: I attended Atlantic Solar's grid-tie
seminar--and the folks from Germany (ASE Inverters?) cancelled at the last
minute...so no sign of competition with Trace yet.
A fellow was there who had a 3000 watt array and a ST2500, installed last
September. The sucker never shows higher that 1200W array input in bright
That said, Goeff Levin of Xantrex/Trace (out of Boston) was there, and
admitted they were working on the MPPT problems, and hoping to have a fixit
chip out soon. FYI.
But it sure does make you not want to sell 'em in the meanwhile, doesn't
Chris Daum
Oasis Montana Inc.
406-777-4321 or 4309
406-777-2632 fax
On Wednesday, February 14, 2001 3:33 PM, Don Loweburg, Offline
[SMTP:i2p at aol.com] wrote:
> In a message dated 02/09/2001 2:08:04 PM Pacific Standard Time,
> mmangelsdorf at hei.com writes:
> > According to well-informed sources, there is pressure being put on
Trace to
> > pull them from the market until they work out the bugs on the
> > I don't know about you all, but reading reports of a 2200 watt system
> > full sun putting out all of 800 or so watts is rather disturbing. With
> > grid-tie market going crazy in CA., it would give the industry and real
> > black eye if battery-less ST systems were putting out a fraction of the
> > appropriate output.
> >
> >
> After numerous references to this problem, I still have not heard any
> definitive response from Trace. For want of any information from Trace
are we
> to assume they have a problem.? How about some feed back from Trace. If
> (Trace) sit on this and keep us in the dark, you can only guess what this
> do to your sales. I for one am putting a hold on ordering any additional
> Concerned
> Don
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