Who else [RE-wrenches]

Richard Perez, Home Power magazine richard.perez at homepower.com
Wed Nov 24 12:33:10 PST 1999

<x-flowed>Hello Bob-O and the Wrench Group

I agree with Bob-O on this one. This list needs to have both give and 
take. Everyone who participates should have something to contribute, 
and hopefully everyone will learn something on a regular basis.

I think we need to have biz persons who aren't specifically Wrenches 
on this list. Tech support folks, distributors, and folks who work 
with the OEMs are all part of this industry and certainly will have 
valuable contributions.

I suggest a "situation ethic". Let's decide this on a person by 
person basis rather than trying to make up a hard and fast rule about 
who is allowed to participate.

I'd hate to see this list become an "old boys' club" where we sit 
around and discuss what we already know.


>It's a tough one. Certainly folks like Kelly and Steve Wiley should 
>be included. Doug from Real Goods would be OK with me as well, but 
>not all the "sales technicians" from RG and elsewhere. Then too, I 
>have problems with someone like Charlie Collins who will just ask us 
>to solve his customers problems because he is either too lazy or 
>incompetent to do it himself. Where and how do we draw the line?
>I want to share my knowledge and sweat-drenched experiences with 
>fellow wrenches, but I don't want to get ripped off by the folks 
>whom I feel are trashing the business either.
>I also agree with Steve that we should cull solar thermal, steam, etc.
>What to do?
>Bestest, Bob-O

Richard Perez
Home Power
PO Box 520, Ashland, OR 97520  USA
Tele: 530-475-3179
FAX: 530-475-0836
Subscriptions: 800-707-6585
mailto:richard.perez at homepower.com
Web: http://www.homepower.com

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