[RE-wrenches] Arc Fault problem in FM100

John Blittersdorf john.blittersdorf at gmail.com
Fri Mar 7 20:16:18 PST 2025

Hello Wrenches,
    I just fired up a new off grid solar array with the FM100 arc fault
version.  RIght off I got the
arc fault/ground fault red light. It was the end of day with 145 V from
the array but no current.   Question is, if I want to disable the function,
will simply not passing wires through the current transducer effectively
defeat the fault. or does the circuit board have to be pulled as well.  I
have a new FM100 that I bought on Ebay that I just hooked up to my home
system.  It is dark so I won't know until tomorrow if it is good but at
least no red light and I simply did not pass wires through the ring. If it
works tomorrow, is this a reasonable way to leave it wired up. Solar array
in both cases are pole mounts. I pulled the arc fault circuit board on the
customer's system but still a fault light.

John Blittersdorf
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