[RE-wrenches] Generator Overvoltage Troubleshoot

Jim Gowdy gowdyelectriccambria at gmail.com
Fri Jan 3 06:15:48 PST 2025

Hi all,
     I need some help with a generator overvoltage troubleshoot.  I'm
working on an outback offgrid system that consists of 2 x Radian GS8048a, 1
x MATE3S controller, 1 x FM 80 charge controller, 1 x 55kw single phase
propane AC cummins generator, about 4kw of solar *not sufficient enough to
keep up with the load, and 24 x 4v Rolls batteries series/paralleled to
make 48v.  The generator was rebuilt and the batteries replaced about a
year ago and since then, the generator has been faulting due to
overvoltage.  I had help and first found that the MATE needed calibrating
so that was done, but the generator still was faulting.  I found changing
the AC Input Charging from 30a to 20a seemed to work.  I put a power
monitor on the generator output and found that, with the AC Input Charging
set at 30a, noticed that there was a voltage spike up to 300+V at about a
70a draw.  The generator company put a load bank on and verified the
generator may not be at fault and the problem is after the generator.  Has
anyone encountered a problem like this and have suggestions?  I've attached
a PDF with a timeline of what I've done for troubleshooting so far.

Jim with Gowdy Electric
Cambria, Ca 93428
business  805 927 2630
cell  805 975 5279
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