[RE-wrenches] Has anyone ever had one of his customers get a note from SolarEdge like this one?

No Name spaceshipnelson1 at gmail.com
Mon Aug 15 18:56:45 PDT 2022

Apologies my Google keeps thinking I have no name lol, this is Joe Nelson
over at Sustainable Energy Group.. (thank you Michael my apologies)

On Mon, Aug 15, 2022, 6:53 PM No Name <spaceshipnelson1 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Very disappointing to say the least.
> My strategy has had to adapt at least a dozen times through the years as
> we are between a rock and a hard place out here on the left coast (between
> lack of equipment availability and cleaning up other's messes almost
> constantly).
> Scot, do you ever get the option for a "call back"? Usually with a wait
> time that long they give you an option to be called back in the same amount
> of time.
> But then you're not onsite, and many of their lame diagnostics require a
> tech to be onsite.
> I frequently use the chat (online) support, as you can choose an option to
> have your chat transcript emailed to you (make sure you check the box in
> chat) which at least lends supporting evidence to the conversation.
> I also encourage you to seek some sort of interaction from SE and a
> retraction of their error. Don't let the lower foot soldiers (lvl 1 tech
> support) stop you, politely keep insisting you speak with a higher lvl tech
> to resolve the issue. I am certain my face is on their dartboard as some
> days these issues required calling & chat support multiple times in one
> day. Be polite, but be unrelenting.
>  Continued success will be increasingly difficult, as manufacturers "race
> to the bottom". ( I miss the days of old Xantrex and SunnyBoys).
> On Mon, Aug 15, 2022, 6:26 PM Jason Szumlanski via RE-wrenches <
> re-wrenches at lists.re-wrenches.org> wrote:
>> We never sold SE and never will. Their service has always been pretty
>> poor and recently it's just bottom of the barrel. Blaming everything on
>> installers and making you jump through asinine diagnostic hoops is the name
>> of their service game. They don't seem to want to solve issues, or at least
>> they want to avoid responsibility for defective products. This is in stark
>> contrast to the big orange 'e' that recognizes they have defect issues from
>> time to time, but resolves things routinely with mostly competent level 1
>> techs, and often without site visits.
>> On Friday I got bounced around to three departments over 2 hours at SE
>> only for the last guy to tell me he needed to send me to another department
>> - except I recognized his name as someone who had emailed my client that he
>> was taking personal responsibility for the issue. Busted! I demanded that
>> he stay on the line and resolve the issue, which he ultimately did, to his
>> credit.
>> I can't remember the last time I was up against a SE proposal in Florida.
>> Everyone has jumped ship apparently and only offer microinverters. It's
>> very reminiscent of Fronius as another Wrench pointed out. Fronius used to
>> dominate here until they started the same nonsense on-site diagnostic
>> requirements. I'm not waiting on on hold, on site, for hours because you
>> can't pick up the phone in a reasonable timeframe, only to be given the
>> runaround for an obviously defective piece of hardware. Send pictures of my
>> Fluke measurements? I think not.
>> My client from Friday just signed a $9,000 contract with me to send her
>> SolarEdge gear to the landfill and replace it with microinverters.
>> Seriously. People are fed up (consumers and contractors).
>> Jason Szumlanski
>> Florida Solar Design Group
>> On Mon, Aug 15, 2022, 7:55 PM Scot Arey via RE-wrenches <
>> re-wrenches at lists.re-wrenches.org> wrote:
>>> We just had the second SE7600 Energy Hub internal error in a year at one
>>> of our sites. Our customer none too pleased as you might imagine. We send
>>> in pics to SolarEdge and they say they are assessing since this is 2nd
>>> inverter failure. Customer gets super upset and calls SE to be told – and
>>> I’m summarizing – oh, your installer didn’t send in what we need.
>>> Huh? We sent in the pics as requested and were told they were assessing
>>> and not once have we been asked for further details or better pics, even
>>> after we called back for updates.
>>> The customer insists to SE, “send me new inverter” and SE sends this
>>> attached note to the customer. I almost fell over…I’ve put in hundreds and
>>> hundreds of SolarEdge to include many dual-inverter/BUI/storage systems and
>>> to have a tech roll me and my company under the bus like this is stunning.
>>> Has this happened to anyone else?
>>> P.S. – I tried calling SE today for support and was told the wait was
>>> “116 minutes.” This just isn’t working. I can’t be the only one.
>>> Posted this on LinkedIn a month ago – no retractions:
>>> https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:ugcPost:6948389740500987904?utm_source=linkedin_share&utm_medium=member_desktop_share&utm_content=post
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