[RE-wrenches] Sta-Rite Submersible Well Pump

Ray ray at solarray.com
Thu Apr 27 15:58:26 PDT 2017

Constant Pressure pumps are a much better choice off grid.  No starting 
surge is huge, and the power draw is related to the water flow, so at 
low flow rates, the power is only a fraction of full run watts.  
Pressure switches and P tanks are archaic.  The variable pressure and 
the light dimming surges are very 20th century, and we have a 
responsibility to bring off grid into the 21st century.  Efficiency 
isn't much different, and frankly just isn't that important unless you 
are irrigating.

R. Ray Walters
Chief Technical Officer, RemoteSolar.com
BS Mech Engineering, 1988
Former NABCEP Certified, 2004-2016
Licensed Master ELectrician, Colorado
303 505-8760

On 4/27/17 4:48 PM, Bradley Bassett wrote:
> Dana,
> For off grid you may not want to use the constant pressure pumps. They 
> will run a little bit, a lot of the time to keep the pressure 
> constant. I think it might be more efficient to use a pressure switch 
> and regular pressure tank. Anyone with experience in this?
> Brad
> On Wed, Apr 26, 2017 at 8:32 PM, Dana <dana at solarwork.com 
> <mailto:dana at solarwork.com>> wrote:
>     My well driller-well pump guy is offering Sta-Rite pumps
>     manufactured by Pentair [as in Pentair water filtration they seem
>     to be buying lots of water related companies].
>     I am curious as to feedback on these, has anyone used them?
>     Soft start, digital controls, easy programming, stainless steel,
>     3-year warranty, & includes a pressure transducer, so no pressure
>     switch required.
>     My pump guy says he has only had 1 issue on 1 pump in serval
>     hundred installed. Almost sounds too good to believe.
>     A bit less $ retail than a Grundfoss but supposedly a whole lot
>     more reliable.
>     A 1 HP motor 20 GPM pump draws 4.7 Amp/240 VA as it hits a 60 psi
>     cutout [1,128 watts peak] though I will set to 30/50 psi.
>     Comments pleaseā€¦
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