[RE-wrenches] Tesla 2.0

Dan Fink danbob88 at gmail.com
Sat Mar 11 14:41:19 PST 2017

I agree on checking into Sonnen, as they are using  regular Outback Radians
and the high<>low voltage conversion electronics are built into the unit.
The main complaints I have heard so far is that it's a really crowded
compartment in which you have to do your wiring.

You might also look into the Iron Edison Lithium-Iron packs; lots of
success stories, and they can scale up far bigger than Tesla....took a
couple of my classes on field trips there last week. 225kWh battery backup
for a mansion in California, big cell repeater towers in Canada, big
houseboat on Lake Powell.....the technology is safer than the Li-ion in
Tesla/Sonnen, it vents steam instead of flames and toxic chemicals if
everything goes south. Accessible and easy to wire, including the BMS

China is banking on Li-Fe instead of Li-ion with their massive push to
solar, wind and utility-scale storage.

Dan Fink
Professor of Solar Energy Technology, Ecotech Institute
IREC Certified Instructor™ for:
~ PV Installation Professional
~ Small Wind Installer
Executive Director, Buckville Energy
NABCEP Registered Continuing Education Providers™

On Sat, Mar 11, 2017 at 9:51 AM, Chris Mason <cometenergysystems at gmail.com>

> Don't ignore Sonnen, their ECO16 is a solid Lithium based solution. We
> installed one in Anguilla and, once we got through some software issues,
> the system performed solidly.
> On Fri, Mar 10, 2017 at 9:43 PM, jay <jay.peltz at gmail.com> wrote:
>> HI All,
>> I hesitate to bring this up, but I’ve had some questions come my way
>> about the “new” Tesla 2.0
>> battery backup units. And with the demise of Aquion, looks like Lithium
>> and LA are pretty much the only games in town.
>> I have been able to find quite little on line ( surprise), pretty much
>> nothing from Tesla directly, but some from other folks by google search.
>> Does anyone on the list here know anything solid?
>> For example.
>> what inverter is being used?
>> how do they stack?
>> battery chemistry?
>> actual size ( depending on which info it changes)
>> are they actually shipping?
>> Thanks
>> jay
>> peltz power
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> --
> Chris Mason
> NABCEP Certified Solar PV Installer™
> Solar Design Engineer
> Generac Generators Industrial technician
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