[RE-wrenches] Metal Shingles

Solarguy ntrei at 1scom.net
Wed Aug 8 16:52:46 PDT 2012


We installed a 3.6 kW array on a very similar roof in 2006. The roof was new
at that time and the roofer required us to hire his crew to put holes into
the approx. 24x36 inch stamped steel panels. We used lags but no flashing. 

http://ntrei.com/images/Slide15.pdf  is a close up of the painted & sand
coated steel panels.

Our penetrations never leaked but earlier this year the roof began to leak
in a number of places. Turns out the roofers did not follow the installation
instructions properly. The customer now has traditional standing seam panels
but has not managed to get a dime out of the roofer in reparation. The brand
was Decra. 

Good luck


Jim Duncan

North Texas Renewable Energy Inc

 <http://www.ntrei.com/> www.ntrei.com 

NABCEP PV 031310-57


 <mailto:ntrei at 1scom.net> ntrei at 1scom.net 





From: re-wrenches-bounces at lists.re-wrenches.org
[mailto:re-wrenches-bounces at lists.re-wrenches.org] On Behalf Of Corey
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2012 7:27 PM
To: RE-wrenches at lists.re-wrenches.org
Subject: [RE-wrenches] Metal Shingles


I did a site survey today for a customer who has metal shingle roofing. The
shingles are made from a thin-gauge metal and are stamped to look like cedar
shakes. The homeowner was unsure about the manufacturer - they appear
similar to Future Roof or EDCO ArrowLine.


I am wondering about:

1) attachment solutions - flashed products (QuickMount PV) do not seem to be
an option.

2) installation methods - the shingles dent easily and permanently under
pressure, so we will want to contact the roof as minimally as possible.


Thanks for any suggestions.



Corey Shalanski

Joule Energy

New Orleans, LA

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