[RE-wrenches] GVFX AC in voltage fluctuation error

benn kilburn benn at daystarsolar.ca
Sat Dec 1 10:05:08 PST 2012

Wrenches,Has anyone dealt with an issue with the Outback GVFX inverters where the Mate (status>fx>meter) will show the "AC in voltage" rising and falling between ~121V and 132V while a mulit-meter held on the inverter terminals shows the voltage is actually holding steady? When the mate/inverter shows the voltage hitting about 131V the inverter shows a red error light (AC in voltage to high) and i believe this is preventing HBX mode from working properly, such that the HBX setting will not trigger the grid to take over and allow the batteries to drain to the Low-batt cut-out. 
This issue only seems to appear when in "SellRE" or "HBX" mode, not when simply using the grid as 'passing thru'.
I have confirmed that there are no loose neutrals and that there is only one neutral to ground connection.

DayStar Renewable Energy Inc. www.daystarsolar.ca780-906-7807 Certified Construction Electrician Solar Photovoltaic Systems CertifiedCertificate # 0007SHAVE A SUNNY DAY 		 	   		  
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