[RE-wrenches] Enphase Envoy Failures

Jason Szumlanski jason at fafcosolar.com
Fri Aug 10 06:12:01 PDT 2012

We're a few years into installing Enphase systems, and in the past couple
of months we have had our first two Envoy failures. The first was under the
paltry one year warranty. The second was not in warranty. I have complained
a couple of times to Enphase about the new pricing on the Envoy, which was
increased to cover the lifetime monitoring now included with the device.
What happens when a unit fails? The customer pays for lifetime monitoring

There needs to be a provision to replace a failed unit at the old, more
reasonable (but still high) pricing. All in favor, say aye!

If you agree, make sure you mention it at SPI. We need to be advocates for
our customers.

Jason Szumlanski
Fafco Solar
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