[RE-wrenches] VAWT recommendation

Dan Fink danbob at hughes.net
Wed Oct 20 16:25:00 PDT 2010


I don't currently know of any product with which the words "VAWT" and 
"last a while" can be used in the same sentence -- in terms of company 
longevity, number of units flying in the field, *or* turbine reliability 

Buckville Energy Consulting LLC

Kelly Keilwitz, Whidbey Sun & Wind wrote:
> Hi Dan,
> Project done been touched - we're committed to putting up something with 
> an upright axis in the wind....
> Do you have any info about Urban Green Energy? Fellow we've been talking 
> with in NY is Ryan Gilchrist.
> I've always thought it would be interesting if a client absolutely 
> insisted on VAWT's, no matter what I said, and we wouldn't be held 
> accountable for not dissuading them. The GC on this project has offered 
> to buy the turbines and carry the manufacturer's warranty with the Navy, 
> with us just responsible for the installation. I don't know if it can 
> get better than that. Monitoring and everything.
> I just need to decide whether to give up the material sale. If we 
> managed to find a VAWT that could endure, and have a reasonable output 
> (it helps to get an additional 12¢/kWh for production over net metering 
> in WA), we have several customers who would be interested, even when 
> fully informed about the low ROI compared to PV. These folks just want 
> to see SOME benefit to our long, windy winters and don't have the moxy 
> or money to put a VAWT up high. The turbine - and company - just gotta 
> last awhile.
> Thanks,
> -Kelly

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