[RE-wrenches] Pulse Charging

James Surrette james at surrette.com
Tue Mar 3 21:24:54 PST 2009

Hello Wrenches, 

I've been contacted by a local testing lab that is look at pulse charging large battery banks, 

"We are doing a  study to assess the potential benefits of pulse charging very large format lead acid batteries (5000 to 10000 Ahr class).      
We just recently received the contract and started the work.  So far the recent literature indicates there may be benefits in charge time, maintaining capacity, and life.  However much of the literature results are based on electrochemical theory and/or imperfect experimental results.  The experiments are generally limited in scope with little or no control sample data.     
We are  am looking for anyone that has actual experience using pulse charging in very large batteries, in particular, documented success stories.   Do you know of any success stories?" 

Of course, we are interested but do not have experience at this size.  Suspect very few actually do have this experience but thought I would ask. 

Many thanks, 


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