[RE-wrenches] NABCEP

Michael Welch michael.welch at re-wrenches.org
Fri Feb 20 18:02:08 PST 2009

Hello Wrenches. If you have any questions, let's discuss off list. Thanks.

I did not receive a lot of opinion on this matter, but there was no consensus nor even a majority of responses that were in favor of adding an otherwise nonqualified NABCEP staff person to this list server.

Therefore, I am sticking with my original plan, which is quoted below from the message I sent about this last week.

Thanks to all that responded, now everyone can get off the edge of their seats.

Michael Welch wrote at 10:16 AM 2/13/2009:
>I have offered Rebecca, and she accepted, the same thing I offer other nonqualified individuals that might some time want to post to the list: send your post to me, and I will post appropriate messages on their behalf. I have done this several times over the years and in fact, did it for Rebecca once already.
>There are at least 3 NABCEP board members on this list. While they may not be prepared to respond with the nuts and bolts of NABCEP workings, it seems to me to be good representation on the list. At a minimum, these members could alert their staff, who could then respond through the already-available mechanism mentioned above.

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