Locking Connectors [RE-wrenches]

Ray Walters walters at taosnet.com
Sat Mar 3 13:32:10 PST 2007


Consider my two Truck parade rained on :'( . So much for matching 
modules to existing arrays, clean back of module wiring, etc. Thanks for 
giving us some advance warning.


 Brian Teitelbaum wrote:

>Sorry to rain on your parade, but I hear that Solarworld is about to change
>the dimensions of the SQ175 module (now SW 175 mono) to conform with their
>European product. I don't have the new dimensions yet though.
>Unfortunately (in my opinion) they are also going to a sealed JB with either
>the Tyco or MC locking connector. The one that I just saw at Electric West
>had the MC locking connector on it and I was told that that module was the
>"final" version. We shall see...
>Looks like openable JB's on modules are going by-by, at least for modules
>over 130W. I think that this is unfortunate since I don't like the idea of
>having open wiring on ground and pole mounts. As a compromise, I would love
>to see some way to connect liquid-tight conduit directly to the outside of
>the JB, even if the JB is not openable. The conduit would act as a sleeve
>over the pigtail just for physical protection. It might have to be 3/4"
>though, because of the size of the locking plug.
>Brian Teitelbaum
>AEE Solar
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Ray Walters [mailto:walters at taosnet.com] 
>Sent: Friday, March 02, 2007 3:13 PM
>To: RE-wrenches at topica.com
>Subject: Re: Locking Connectors [RE-wrenches]
>I'm still a huge Shell/ Solarworld Fan for all John's reasons, and they 
>don't screw around with the module dimensions every few years like BP 
>either. Today's SQ175 will fit on a rack without drilling with an old 
>130 from 5 years ago. I just hope they don't go the MC only route. I 
>NEVER trusted MC connectors; wasn't there a recent recall of many of 
>BP's MC- only modules, because they could overheat and burn out where 
>the cable connected to the module back?
>John Raynes wrote:
>>I think y'all are convincing me to bite the bullet and stick with
>>j-box panels, and just deal with the more difficult sourcing issues.  
>>At least until all of this settles out.  The "special tooling" for 
>>j-boxes costs about $15-20 max and it works on all types, now and into 
>>the future.  And the end result looks so much cleaner on poletop and 
>>ground mount racks, which as an off-gridder is most of what we do.
>>John Raynes
>>At 11:18 AM 3/2/2007 -0800, you wrote:
>>>For better or worse, the Multi-Contact monopoly is over. Tyco
>>>International and Multi-Contact and others think their patented and 
>>>patent pending connectors are the best and will not agree on a 
>>>standard. It's the same with no standard for modules and mounts (and 
>>>don't even bother to ask me to loan you spare tire if you get a flat).
>>>----- Original Message ----- From: "Bob Maynard, Energy Outfitters"
>>><bob at energyoutfitters.com>
>>>To: <RE-wrenches at topica.com>
>>>Sent: Friday, March 02, 2007 10:43 AM
>>>Subject: RE: Locking Connectors [RE-wrenches]
>>>>It is really going to complicate things! We've not made a decision
>>>>if we
>>>>will gear up for one or all types!  It will take an industry wide 
>>>>to get to a standardized connector and you can guess what will 
>>>>happen if
>>>>we get there.  With no competition, the winning manufacturer can charge
>>>>whatever they want for their connectors!
>>>>Best Regards,
>>>>Bob Maynard
>>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>>From: John Raynes [mailto:john at raynes.com]
>>>>Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2007 4:52 PM
>>>>To: RE-wrenches at topica.com
>>>>Subject: RE: Locking Connectors [RE-wrenches]

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