Outback inverter actual ratings (was Re: Grid sell with Outback, solar,a [RE-wre
Todd Cory, Mt. Shasta Energy Services
toddcory at finestplanet.com
Sat Apr 28 09:29:05 PDT 2007
I just discovered the GVFX3648's continuous at 25º C wattage rating is a
bit... ahhh shall we say "embellished". I recently added more PV to my
home system and now am selling ~2900 watts to the grid. The unit running
with 70º F ambient air was (according to the mate AIR temp readout)
running at 238º F (114º C). According to Outback, the unit was just
about to shutdown from over temperature it was so hot. This is at only
about 80% of the stated load capability!
So I removed the "valve cover", and about half of the bottom plastic
"bug screens" installed in the air exhaust ports. Today the unit was
operating in 88º F ambient temps but was running at 208º F, so assisting
the air flow dropped the internal air temp 30º F with the ambient temp
18º F hotter. This means that improving the air flow greatly improved
the inverters ability to sell at 80% of rated "continuous" loading.
Still running the unit at 208º F does not bode well for the longevity of
the electronics. The next "hack" is to add an air inlet booster fan. If
the internal fan is getting air from an upstream fan the air volume will
be turbocharged. Yes, the ultimate solution is a second inverter, but
why do they sell something that will only make 80% of rated power? I
know this standard practice from the PV manufactures, but I did not know
the inverter manufactures were also doing this. Has anyone else
experienced the rating of other inverters to be a bit more than they
will actually do?
Xantrex is coming out with a new battery based inverter. It will be
called the "XW" and is in beta testing now. Word has it, that it WILL
have two AC inputs and of course support generator inputs for battery
David Palumbo wrote:
> I share your frustration with OutBack. I was an early adopter of their
> products. I have not used many Xantrex products in the past few years.
> So, I need an update on what Xantrex now offers. What's up with the ol'
> SW
> lineup?
> Dave
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