Battery strings [RE-wrenches]

Chris Worcester chris at
Mon Sep 18 13:37:08 PDT 2006

Hi Ray,

I don't know about the 12 stack wiring scenario, on the 10 stack we used 10
of the 14 ports for inverter 4/0 cables and the other 4 ports for the short
4/0 cables to the batteries. 2 pos and 2 neg to each series string, with the
pos & neg buss bars doing the "paralleling". 

We did have a bad cell, unbeknownst to us, as the internal case was split
somehow, that we had to change out and we were able to do so without
shutting down the system, letting the other series string carry the load


Chris Worcester 
NABCEP Certified PV Installer
USA Distributor of Proven Wind Turbines
Toll Free: 877-682-4503
Fax: 530-582-4603
chris at
"Proven Energy Solutions"

-----Original Message-----
From: Ray Walters [mailto:walters at] 
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2006 10:26 AM
To: RE-wrenches at
Subject: Re: Battery strings [RE-wrenches]

Hi Bob;

I've recently gone to single strings, but had  one bad cell (Rolls) take 
out the whole system. My current thinking is that 2 string designs are 
the best compromise between limiting parallel problems without single 
string problems.
Also, related to this: I have a question on how folks are wiring up 
large battery banks and multiple inverters. How many 4/0 cables are 
going to the batteries from the busbar for say a 12 Ouback inverter 
system? Trace used to use the same cable and just jump from one inverter 
to the next. I figured they could do this because of the out of phase 
relationship between the inverters. (DC to an inverter is not really 
DC.... just check with an oscilloscope)
So where is the rule book for battery cable sizing on multiple inverter 

Thanks ya'll

Ray Walters

Chris Worcester wrote:

>Hi Bob,
>If you want to use a bus bar assembly I hooked up 10 VFX3648's to 2 strings
>of Rolls 2-KS-33's using Ilsco insulated 4/0 x 14 port splice taps/bars.
>This is a really neat way to do a 4/0 bus bar. They make these
>splicer/reducers from two hole to 14 hole. They were around $270 for the
>pair and well worth it.
>Chris Worcester 
>NABCEP Certified PV Installer
>USA Distributor of Proven Wind Turbines
>Toll Free: 877-682-4503
>Fax: 530-582-4603
>chris at
>"Proven Energy Solutions"
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Bob Ellison [mailto:ellison at] 
>Sent: Friday, September 15, 2006 2:09 AM
>To: RE-wrenches at
>Subject: Battery strings [RE-wrenches]
>I am putting together a pack of 12 L-16's @ 24 volts and am wondering if
>there is a definite opinion on what works better, connecting at the corners
>of the pack or running each string to it's own buss bar and from there to
>the inverter. 
>I have seen failures of the major positive and negative when corner
>connected.  I assume from the all the banks current running through the
>connections. I have also heard suggestions to rearrange the battery bank
>during it's life. (too much like work) 
>Has anyone had better luck with each string going to a bus bar then to the
>inverter? Similar to the "big buss" that Outback used to make?

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