Battery Fuel Gauge [RE-wrenches]
Art Weaver
art at
Tue Nov 7 12:26:34 PST 2006
Indeed, we may be seeing a similar (same?) problem with a grid-tied,
series-stacked SW5548 system installed in a rural area with a weak
utility grid. Our working hypothesis is that low grid voltage
(<215VAC) triggers inverter shutdowns with *NO* error reported in the
Errors menu. Typically, one or the other of the pair of inverters
shuts down, not both. We've *never* seen an error code on either
inverter. Batteries are in good shape - only a year old, showing
good (dis)charging characteristics.
In an attempt at diagnosis, we're now datalogging AC+DC voltage and
AC+DC current in and out of the inverters. Any insights among those
more experienced with grid-tied Xantrex equipment would be much
~art weaver
Renovus Energy Inc.
Ithaca NY
Joel Davidson wrote:
> Wrenches,
> I had another SW4048 inverter shutdown last night and had to switch the
> inverter bypass breakers. Grid power was 108 VAC. I think (in addition
> to worn out batteries) the inverter menu 11 AC Inputs > Set input low
> limit VAC 108 default may be too low. Has anyone else with grid-tie
> systems experienced regular "light brown-outs"? What corrective action
> did you take?
> Joel Davidson
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Joel Davidson"
> <joeldavidson at>
> To: <RE-wrenches at>
> Sent: Wednesday, November 01, 2006 5:00 PM
> Subject: Battery Fuel Gauge
>> Wrenches,
>> So where's this going? Last Sunday afternoon, I experienced a Southern
>> California Edison (SCE) power outage followed by 3 evenings and
>> counting of grid power brownouts (101 VAC). My SW4048 line-tie
>> inverter saw the low grid voltage and went to stand-alone mode, but my
>> four old Johnson Controls GC12V100B batteries did not last long and
>> the inverter did its low-voltage shutdown. So I flipped the inverter
>> bypass switch and put up with low grid voltage (thank you SCE for
>> shortening the life of my home equipment). Trouble-shooting and
>> flipping switches by flashlight and re-programming the inverter the
>> day may be interesting for techno-guys, but the average on- or
>> off-grid PV system owner (our customers) would be frustrated and angry
>> if their battery bank ran out of juice leaving them in the dark.
>> Finally, the question: What "battery fuel gauge" do you think is the
>> most non-technical customer-friendly (easy to use, intuitive,
>> reliable, etc.)?
>> Joel Davidson
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