MOV lightning protection [RE-wrenches]

Conrad Geyser conradg at
Sun Jul 9 19:22:35 PDT 2006


Is there anybody that has had lightning protection (MOV style) actually save 
a system?
Cotuit Solar

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bob Ellison" <ellison at>
To: <RE-wrenches at>
Sent: Sunday, July 09, 2006 6:48 PM
Subject: Outback dealer protection? [RE-wrenches]

> I had an experience the other day that the longer I think about it the 
> more
> it irritates me, here goes.
> I got a call from a customer that had a pair of VFX3648 inverters and took 
> a
> 2 1/2 hour drive to the site,
> He had no lightning cans and took a bad lightning hit, the inverters were
> already off the rack and opened up.. Both inverters were down and he had 
> an
> insurance inspection the following day. Real bad timing. I did not supply 
> or
> install the gear and low buck wholesale never suggested lightning
> protection.
> My regular supplier is at a show so I called Outback to get the boards and
> was informed that we had to send the inverters back. Also the board prices
> were up from $700.00 to $1200.00. and we needed all of them, 2 sets. There
> was no doubt that all the boards were bad, the burns were obvious.
> I was not having any luck getting the boards sent and asked the tech to
> explain to the customer that they had to be sent back. I  found out after 
> he
> got off the very short phone conversation that he had been sold all the
> boards at my cost, and on my dime for the phone call!
> It just ticked me off, I guess the dealers don't have an advantage over 
> the
> customer any more at Outback.
> I didn't expect the customer to get dealer pricing. I could have gotten a
> verbal PO easily or just put it on a card and actually made some money on
> the process instead of the way it worked out.
> 5 hours drive time and a couple on site add up fast towards wasting a day
> real fast.
> Back to packing for Solarfest,
> Bob
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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