Update frontloader on mod-sine [RE-wrenches]
Nick Lucchese
nickl at sierrasolar.com
Wed Jun 28 17:11:27 PDT 2006
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Greetings Carl, Ray and anyone else interested,
I presently own a Maytag Neptune and run it off of an Outback
FX2024. I bought it the Neptune used but in immaculate condition and
the seller said the only reason she did not approve of it was because
it did not get her whites white enough. From the beginning of my
ownership with the unit it stops at the spin cycle a good 6 out of 7
wash cycles. After viewing some of the issues reported with other
inverters I now wonder if the issue is with the inverter and not the
washer itself. The FX2024 is a very early serial # but Outback
graciously upgraded it quite some time ago at no charge and until now
I have known no problems. So, from now on I'll start writing down
pertinent info and see if I can track it to a certain time of day,
battery voltage etc. You'll be the first to know if I can link it to
any specific scenario.
Nick A Lucchese
>Hey Carl;
>None of us can get those Frigidaire and (Sears version is the same)
>or Neptunes, etc to even run on SWs. The Mad scientist fix is get
>them to get a simple Top loader or get anOutback inverter. Even then
>you might have to use the capacitor.
>Carl Hansen wrote:
>>Just to let anyone interested know, adding a capacitor to the
>>Frigidaire Front loader did NOT solve the problem of the machine
>>not running in the spin cycle when the battery voltage was high. If
>>anyone has any other mad scientist ideas I would like to here them.
>> Thanks
>> Carl Hansen
>> Hansen&Sun Elect.
>>[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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Nick A Lucchese
NABCEP Certified PV Installer
General Contractor # 808851
Sierra Solar Systems
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