California PV Installers - General Liability Insurance [RE-wrenches]

Joel Davidson joeldavidson at
Sat Feb 25 17:01:31 PST 2006

What is preventing CalSEIA from soliciting insurance brokers for a group 
Joel Davidson

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <solarpro at>
To: <RE-wrenches at>
Sent: Saturday, February 25, 2006 4:11 PM
Subject: Re: California PV Installers - General Liability Insurance 

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In a message dated 2/25/2006 11:33:12 A.M. Pacific Standard Time,
mlafferty at writes:

Not all  insurance is the same!  Make sure you truly understand what it is
you  need for your company


There you go again.... what are you trying to do?  This list  thing must 
therapeutic value for you.  Please, please, write  a book soon!

GL insurance coverage for _solar_ still does not exist.  It is a round  hole
being filled by square pegs by just a few carriers and only when your 
is motivated.   After having discovered this back in the 80's,  I wish I had
just gotten an HVAC license and stayed put.  But no, I had to  have a C-46!

I have been trying to motivate CalSeia to approach some brokers, any 
willing to start writing policies for solar practitioners.  In  fact,
yesterday I spoke with a broker in San Diego who said he thought he needed 
to write
policies for about 100 contractors and have five years of history  before he
could approach any carrier with a proposal to develop a policy for the 
industry.  But _solar_ is plumbing & electric - two distinct  trades with
separate and distinct liability issues.  The only combined  area of interest 
these two groups would be the roof, and the  roof is the  stumbling block. 
need an insurance carrier  willing to insure all those holes we keep putting
on peoples' homes &  businesses.  HAH!  I wonder if any Hummers in Iraq are
covered?   I think it would help if we were all to start working through the
same  broker, use our growing presence to affect the way we are are 
covered.  On
the other hand, I do not think GL will ever be cheap in  CAlifornia.

Barbara, my charge is based entirely on payroll, and it is around  7.5%.
When you are estimating payroll go low, because the carrier will  catch up 
you on the audit but they will never refund an overcharge (or at  least, 
has been my experience).    And when you go looking  for a broker in a 
shop at 7:30 AM, you won't find me there.  I'll be  on the roof ahead of my
guys trying to decide where to put all those  #$$$$%@&& holes!

Patrick A.  Redgate
_www.amecosolar.com_ (

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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