C10 v 46 license [RE-wrenches]
Bill Brooks
bill at brooksolar.com
Wed Jun 8 21:36:37 PDT 2005
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I agree that debating C10 v C46 is somewhat pointless and doesn't belong in
this forum. However, the California solar industry has a huge issue on the
table. The specific contractor licensing category for solar is currently
being left out of the most important piece of legislation to be considered
by the state to date. Clearly this version of the bill cannot logically make
it to the final version that passes, but it requires the solar industry to
make informed and solid suggestions that meet the interests of the Union
electricians and the solar industry. Otherwise the bill will go through and
the C46 contractors will be left out. We don't need to be fighting the union
lobby. They are very powerful and we are not necessarily on opposite sides
of the solar issue. They want a piece of the action and so do C46
contractors, so let's work it out. Fighting will end up with one side
losing, and if I were a betting man, I would put my money on the unions.
-----Original Message-----
From: Pat Redgate [mailto:solarpro at aol.com]
Sent: Wednesday, June 08, 2005 8:13 PM
To: RE-wrenches at topica.com
Subject: RE: C10 v 46 license [RE-wrenches]
The issue of C10 vs 46 has never really been debated in a public forum.
There is no substantive evidence to suggest that C-46ers (as a group) are
doing a proper a job; any evidence is anecdotal. Many 46ers, myself
have repaired a few C-10 debacles not related to roof issues. The reason
this debate should not be tolerated on the wrenches list is simple: it is
technical nuts and bolts problem but it IS a licensing klefschtick. For
certain, it is a (solar) power grab, pure and simple.
As Mark Felt said, "Just follow the money...."
Patrick A. Redgate
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