DR inverter & ground fault outlet [RE-wrenches]

Allan Sindelar allan at positiveenergysolar.com
Mon Sep 6 13:30:01 PDT 2004


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Try a Pass & Seymour GFCI.
Allan @+E

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bob Ellison" <ellison at gisco.net>

The inverter is a DR 1524 with a Cooper XGF20V ground fault outlet
Nothing is plugged into it but a small fridge at the moment. But that is
what causes the irritation when it goes off..... soggy frozen food. The
customers have found it reset 5 or so times over the last month or so.
Here is the interesting part, It will not reset on the inverter, but will
reset on the generator. (Just found this out today). I have not tried
resetting it when the incoming power is shut off, but can't see why it would
not reset. Everything is correct in the wiring and it tests like it should
when you push the button.
It is on an outside porch but a normal outlet is possible, and probably the

Any other ideas?

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