Vodoo Water Scaling etc. [RE-wrenches]

Tom Lane, Energy Conservation Services tom at ecs-solar.com
Fri Oct 29 12:02:03 PDT 2004


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testing requires science not wishful thinking like the women who sprinkled 
miracle grow fertilizer in her husband's underwear AND swears that it WORKED 
YOU CAN BELIEVE ANYTHING YOU WANT TO    especially    if you want to believe 
but please show me the chemistry mathematics   gator tomFrom: "Ray Walters" 
<ray at solarray.com>
To: <RE-wrenches at topica.com>
Sent: Friday, October 29, 2004 2:20 PM
Subject: Re: Vodoo Water Scaling etc. [RE-wrenches]

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>Hi y'All
>The WQA claims they know of no generally recognized scientific or technical 
>evidence which proves that magnetic, electromagnetic, or catalytic devises 
>sold to treat water have any measurable physical or chemical effect on 
>water quality.
>Maybe there is something to GT's voodoo claim.

Just to add to the Mayhem, I've recently discussed water treatment with
some inventers at <www.angelsnestresort.com>  who claim their water vortex
machines with magnets can clean grey water in 24 hours.  According to them
and others, water has memory, responds to people's thoughts and emotions,
the dissolved mineral content has crystal structure and therefore resonant
frequencies associated with it, etc.
Remember I'm an engineer who likes facts and figures, love to debunk
perpetual motion/ free energy machines, etc. Maybe I've been in Taos too
long though, because I'm actually starting to consider the possibility that
this fluid that makes up all life forms may have properties we don't fully
understand yet. Remember that established science at one time held the
earth was flat too.
No, I'm not selling magnet descalers, but I am willing to test one.

Get out the vote friends,

Ray Walters
ray at solarray.com
President, SolarRay, Inc.
NABCEP Certified Solar PV Installer
BS Mechanical Engineering, UT Austin 88
Returned US Peace Corps Volunteer

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