PVs on tower [RE-wrenches]
sunwise at cheqnet.net
Thu Jan 8 10:19:45 PST 2004
From: Ian Woofenden, Home Power [mailto:ian.woofenden at homepower.com]
We've recently decided to go with a wider layout, and to tilt
the modules to the optimum angle, and space them to avoid shading.
This is still under discussion, but the rough plan is to have the
modules between 50 and 100 feet on the tower.
I think you're correct in trying to better optimize the tilt, you can
get a similar output from that of a much larger array with modules
mounted flat to the tower. Also, in most regions it is typically much
less windy in the summer when you are going to need the PVs. If you are
in snow country I'd say shoot for latitude plus 15 to 20 degrees which
doesn't have the bottoms of the modules kicked out too far.
Kurt Nelson
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