[SPAM] - RE: Rain-X on module glass? [RE-wrenches] - Email found in
Christopher Freitas --- OutBack Power
cfreitas at outbackpower.com
Thu Jan 8 17:30:18 PST 2004
Jason Fisher wrote:
> Not to be too much of a smart-a** but aren't we concerned about how
> modules will do in the sun?
Boy - these grid-tie guys think all that matters with PV is the peak
summer output...
In off-grid systems the performance in the winter is more important - so
the module shedding snow sooner means more charge in the battery. The
slight temp increase does not affect the winter performance
significantly. In the summer the batteries would be full by noon
typically so it doesn't matter if they are much hotter.
Don't forget to mount the modules side-by-side in a "vertical" position
(per module) instead of the "horizontal" way with one above another. The
snow will slide off much better when arranged one way versus the other.
Arthur Rudin of Sharp had mentioned that the Japanese have been trying
out melting the snow on PV arrays by back-feeding current into the
modules. Seems like a crazy idea to me...
Christopher Freitas
OutBack Power Systems, Inc.
cfreitas @ outbackpower.com
Arlington WA USA
Tel 360 435 6030
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