Sunny Boy Control over AC Lines [RE-wrenches]

John Berdner jberdner at
Thu Oct 16 07:03:29 PDT 2003


The Powerline carrier can be made to work well but I would not
characterize it as plug and play in the US the way it is in Europe. 
Because you might have to fuss with it to make it work (on a case by
case basis) we do not recommend it for every install over here.  Once
you get some experience with it I think it is a useful tool to have in
your bag o tricks but the learning curve can be a little steep.  I
always suggest getting some experience with it in the shop before trying
it out on anew install with a customer looking over your shoulder.

It is very similar to (but unfortunately incompatible with) X-10 control
products. As a result it has many of the same issue and trouble shooting
techniques you would use for X-10.  Here are a couple quick hints for
success using PLC:
1) Don't try to use it if the house has other PLC devices: X-10, baby
monitors, telephone over power wiring, etc.
2) The circuit breaker feeding the circuit with the SB Control really
needs to be sharing one of the same "tabs" in the sub-panel. This is
probably the most important thing you can do for success.  For example:
If the inverter feed is landing on a two pole breaker in position 8 and
9 of the left hand side of the sub panel then the feed for the SB
control should be on a single pole breaker in position 8 or 9 on the
right hand side of the panel.   
3)I suggest bringing a couple of X-10 plug filters (5 Amp, 120 Vac) to
the install in case you find an offending load. Older / very low cost
PC's and microwave ovens appear to be the worst.

Commissioning Hints:

I suggest making a short pigtail out of the female end of an extension
cord on one side and big alligator clips on the other side.  You can
then pick off the Powerline carrier signal right at terminals of the
inverter breaker to see the signal level with the SB Control (SBC).  For
signal level I think anything above 400 mV is great, 200 mV or so is
marginal, and forget it if you are below 100 mV. 

If you have good signal at the inverter breaker then clip onto the on
the breaker feeding the SBC and check level there. If the signal is good
there then go into the house and plug in the SBC in it's normal
Normally this is next to a PC so I always suggest you bring a 5A plug
filter along for the PC "just in case".

If you can not see a signal at the inverter breaker then you probably
have an interfering load.  Turn off all the breakers except the inverter
breaker and then turn them on eat a time while watching the signal
level. At some point the signal level will crash and you have found the
curcuit(s) with the interfering load for the plug in filter.  

My own personal experience was that it worked fine at my house with a
single plug filter on my PC.  Our Microwave oven knocks out the signal
but this is normally for a few seconds/ minutes at a time and does not
really effect the data I am looking for. I tried it at my well pump
which is about 150 feet from the house and on a separate meter and it
worked but the signal level was pretty marginal.
If there are any other Wrenches out there with helpful hints or
experience (good and bad)with SBC or X-10 please chime in. 

>>> markbyington at 10/15/03 4:37 PM >>>

Anybody have experience with the SMA Sunny Boy Control unit, using power
line communications from the inverter to the control unit?  Sure would
be convenient if it works, but I hear the communication is unreliable
and there are frequent trouble calls.
Mark Byington
Cobalt Power Systems, Inc.
Tel 650-948-9574   Fax 650-948-9573   Cell 415-298-1947
markb at

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