Xantrex versus Sunny Boy [RE-wrenches]

Jeff Oldham starpower4u at juno.com
Fri Aug 1 16:14:03 PDT 2003

Right you are, this was a basic V/A measurement at night and you're also correct that most of the time this gets under the utility billing radar. I now have a Davidge Controls kWh meter on it and I don't know if it will pick it up, but I think so. Now, if I can just get the owner to LOOK at it for me (I'm 3 hrs. away). Billed or not it is still a grid load is it not? Not considering these losses is a NIMBY attitude. I think the best design takes the maximum load off of the grid with the PV watts you have to work with.

We all await your test w/eagerness!

-jeff o

>From the Solar, Wind and Hydro powered office of Jeff Oldham

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