effluent pump [RE-wrenches]

Windy Dankoff, Dankoff Solar windy at dankoffsolar.com
Fri Mar 28 10:17:48 PST 2003

>Since there's no way to effectively separate the many splendid things
>endemic to sewage effluent (short of burning it) any pump used to pump it
>MUST have the capacity to grind big stuff into little stuff. I know this to
>be true, having had the opportunity of hands-on experience in this field for
>a number of years. :-(
>With a tiny 100 gallon tank you can be sure that there will be plenty for a
>sewage ejection pump to chew on.

I agree, Matt, if that's the case! The only DC masticator pumps I've 
seen are low-lift ones in marine catalogs, so I'd pick the most 
efficient AC one for the job, and have no worries.


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