Distributor to replace SAP? [RE-wrenches]

Bill Loesch, Saint Louis Solar bill_loesch at compuserve.com
Wed Dec 4 03:20:22 PST 2002

RE-wrenches              said:
>Nick Nicholas <APS at SBCGLOBAL.NET>< said:
>I ordered a Natural Light Solar attic fan from AEE yesterday.
Unfortunately, the price (for this product) has increased by 10%.  I am
interested in finding more competitive pricing.   A local number for
Alternative Energy Engineering is 707-923-2277.  They are in the process of
building up stock and re-organizing. <


You might be interested in talking to Nick Leone at Natural Light tel 800
363 9865.

My compliments for choosing what is one of if not the premium quality Solar
Attic Fan.

Bill Loesch, PE
bill_loesch at compuserve.com
Solar 1 - Saint Louis Solar
9905 Vasel Drive
St. Louis, MO 63123
tel/fax 314 631 1094

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