outback fx2000 experience? [RE-wrenches]

Windy Dankoff, Dankoff Solar windy at dankoffsolar.com
Thu Nov 21 16:18:56 PST 2002

>Howdy Wrenches,
>I've an off grid client with virtually no loads save a 240 vac 3/4 
>hp pump.  We are talking DC solar pumps, but out of curiosity what 
>inverter will for sure run that pump? DR2412 or 2424? DR3624?  I've 
>heard stories of the fx2000 being under rated and having healthy 
>surge capacities, any one try to run a 3/4 hp pump on it?  Oh, and 
>assume a 120/240 tformer to get the voltage....
>Thanks for the collective wisdom..
>Wes Kennedy
>Jade Mountain


You might want to keep this chart handy, for sizing inverters to run pumps:


This is based on collective experience with Trace and similar 
low-frequency type inverters.

Summing up for you:

With a sine wave inverter, 2 KW should handle the startup (but with 
enough voltage drop to dim lights)

Running power is about 1325 watts, once started.

Mod-sine results in greater losses in the motor. To compensate, a 2.4 
kw inverter like the DR would do it, but I've heard anything from 15 
to 30% more energy required.

The pump must be a 3-wire (not 2-wire) pump, meaning it has a control 
box and a separate start winding. Otherwise #*$&#!


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