Interesting info on Uni-Solar panel comparison [RE-wrenches]
Joel Davidson
joeldavidson at
Sun Jun 16 17:28:23 PDT 2002
I've did a Uni-Solar standing seam metal roof system in 1996, but have not had an opportunity to go back and test
Steve Willey is a trustworthy person who has sold Uni-Solar modules over the years. Steve, have you measured power loss?
Bill Brooks has the knowledge and instruments to perform accurate tests. Bill, have you tested any Uni-Solar arrays? What are your observations?
Amorphous and polycrystalline solar modules that are "hot" out of the box can cause inverters to trip for high voltage. Polycrystalline modules lose 3% or more power in the first few months until they anneal. Some people say they lose more or less power depending on whether they are a seller or buyer. Don't you just love PV industry objectivity.
I've had a First Solar Cad Tel laminate in my garage, not in the sun, for about 1.5 years. I can accurately report that it still looks and weighs about the same :-)
"Mangelsdorf, Marco" wrote:
> I recently came across some test data from a facility in southern Switzerland that's been testing PV performance for decades. The one module that stood out in a table of 10 modules from different manufacturers was the Uni-Solar 32W a-Si. It was rated at 32W, tested out of the box at 34W and put out 27 watts three, count 'em, three months later, a reduction of 20 percent. "Attentuation" you say, Bill? I wonder if Uni-Solar dealers clue in their customers about such dramatic drops in output taking place in such a short amount of time. Not likely. Instead, it's the "yeah, these modules are rated at 64 watts but they actually put out 80" pitch. Or better yet, according to a Uni-Solar fanatic in this here state, Uni-Solar modules actually put out power in moonlight. Yeah, definitely, if the moonlight you're taling about is measured on the moon...Hey, but doesn't the very phrase "triple-junction" sound so cool and high-tech? I guess maybe there's some reason why crystalline Si has
> been and still is so dominant across the globe as far as the preferred semiconductor of choice for PV manufacturers. Oh wait, wait, what about Cad Tel and promises of $2/watt?
> Rant off.
> marco
> ProVision Technologies, Inc.
> Hilo, Hawai'i
> >
> > I just visited the North Coast Co-op where I helped install 2 arrays 1
> > using
> > unisolar 64's and the other with Siemens 130's. Around 1.2 kw per inverter
> >
> > Just wanted all to know that the Siemens are outperforming the unisolar by
> > around 5%. And interestly this 5% seems to be consistent on sunny or
> > cloudy/foggy days.
> >
> > System has been installed for a few months now.
> >
> > Both systems are south facing, same roof ( side of building actually), no
> > shading.
> >
> > Both use SMA 2500U's.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > jay
> >
> > peltz power
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