PV only contractors? [RE-wrenches]

Joel Davidson joeldavidson at earthlink.net
Fri Jun 7 17:32:32 PDT 2002

Graham, Solar thermal installers and windpower installers who also do PV
would be parttime PV installers. What percent of your work is solar thermal
and what percent PV?

graham at solarexpert.com wrote:

> Hi Joel,
> How about “solar only” contractors.  I have been installing and
> servicing solar equipment full time for over 20 years.  Now that I am
> looking at homes outside of LADWP territory it is obvious that solar
> systems can be installed as money saving devises if sized to allow for
> peak shaving and keeping homeowners at baseline rates.  Some of these
> homes have electric water heaters, which are the biggest year round load
> and air conditioning as biggest summer time load.  A professionally
> installed solar domestic hot water heating system may be able to provide
> more savings than PV at a fraction of the cost.  I like having different
> solar solution options available for each individual homeowner.  I don’t
> have the mindset that electricians are elitist and plumbers are dirty.
> I will install whatever type of solar energy system makes the most sense
> for my customer.
> Graham
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