Hypalon Cable [RE-wrenches]
matthew tritt
solarone at charter.net
Wed Jul 24 06:20:32 PDT 2002
Disregarding the fact that you are no doubt going to alienate a number of good people with this kind of elitist basura, I think that the points you so poignantly make in your treatise actually boil down to this:
Many of us who have been in the solar business for a long time are, in fact pioneers in a relatively new arena. We had to make up the rules as we went along, as there were no rules (except for common sense) to follow. Pioneers generally don't like to follow, they prefer to be out where there are no rules and no one breathing down their neck. Being the first to attempt something can be exciting, rewarding and
just plain F U N. Who, in their right mind, wants to have the fun taken out of their work? Isn't that the main reason for having a life's work? Because it's something that feels so "right" to be doing it that it is fun and not really work at all?
It's hard to have new rules imposed on you, especially when it seems that many of these rules are arrogant in tone and pointless in fact. Obviously, these rules are made with safety in mind, in spite of the fact that they appear to be more based in intransigence and tunnel visioned conservatism. Not to question and challenge rules and laws that appear to be stupid IS stupid!
When the avante guarde runs into the status quo (see NEC) there's going to be trouble.
I believe that there needs to be 1: A Solar Energy Testing and Approval Agency of some kind. To hell with the NEC. Don't they have enough to do with what they already oversee? 2: A Solar Guild (for lack of a better word) of those involved strictly in solar, wind and small hydro design, construction, sales and installation. (This has been said before, but it's an idea that would work)
There's just a chance that those back woods boys you so vehemently disdain take just as much pleasure in their accomplishments in setting-up a 4 battery system in a one room cabin as you do in building a 10 kW grid inter-tie for that SUV wielding yuppie couple who consume enough natural resources for 10 third world families.
Do try and be nice Bill, not everyone who takes exception to the rules is a moron.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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