LED holiday lights [RE-wrenches]

Todd Cory, Mt. Shasta Energy Services toddcory at finestplanet.com
Wed Nov 20 07:55:25 PST 2002

And now for something completely different:

I know this is slightly off topic, but for all of us interested in
energy efficiency... on or off grid, there is a new product out that I
just found out about. It is LED "christmas" lights. They come in the
traditional string of ~70 lights, but only use ~3 watts versus 60 or so
for a traditional string of incandescent bulbs. Yes, they do cost
$19.00 a string rather than $3.00 or so, but like CF lamps, they are a
no brainer on energy savings.

They come in multi colored (red, yellow, green, and blue) as well as
single colored strings. Take it from me they are WAY cool (especially
the blue ones)! They are rated at 200,000 hours and have a 5 year

If you are interested see:



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