Who are we? [RE-wrenches]

Dana Orzel slrwrk at ocinet.net
Wed Jul 24 21:10:24 PDT 2002

We are a bunch of boisterous, cantankerous, mechanically enhanced, freedom
loving individuals who are above average in intelligence and in possession
of far too much native intelligence [ common sense ] to fit in in a normal
way. We do not seem to fit into much of today's "modern" society's niches.
And why would we want to. If I wanted to have stayed in the corporate world
and suck up, I would have. Yuck!

Why should we be anything other than different.

I am not and do not want to be a practitioner, Dam it sounds like "Medical
Practice". I do not practice maybe a doctor does, I experiment on occasion.
I have a fairly good idea of what I am up to, what works and how to achieve
particular results a variety of ways to meet what the client desires. And
the electrical and plumbing inspector validates that on a regular basis, not
that I need his input to measure my accomplishments. I am a craftsman in a
variety of disciplines. If I was not I would not still be in business.

What would wrenches like to as we organize and maintain our outrageous and
wonderful individuality.

Open the discussion................
I will be gone swing dancing for 4 days at Rockygrass so have fun with this
I will catch up next week.

"Responsible Technologies For Responsible People."
Dana Orzel  -   slrwrk at ocinet.net
Great Solar Works, Inc.    -   Ridgway, CO
970.626.5253    -    solarwork.com

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