SW Efficiency/ PWM Angle Adjustment [RE-wrenches]
Joel Davidson
joeldavidson at earthlink.net
Thu Sep 6 20:16:37 PDT 2001
I want to share this email that came today from one of my customers (engineer
who works at Cisco) who is interested in metering his PV system. (It's nice to
have such wonderful PV customers!)
I've come up with a solution that will properly and completely report power
consumed and power produced for my PV configuration and it will work for any
grid-tie configuration. I've got it down to just one meter that is put in
between the inverter and the main subpanel. The GE kV2 meter supports
reporting separate "delivered" and "consumed" kwh totals, even in TOU mode (in
which case the meter display would toggle between four kwh totals). For my
configuration, subtracting the kV2 meter totals from the PG&E meter would
reveal the kwhs consumed by my 240V subpanel that is not backed-up by the
inverter. One of the suppliers you told me about, Hialeah Meter, gave me the
following quote:
120V kV2 meter $340
TOU option board $70
TOU battery $20
TOU programming $20
shipping $12
Total $462
A good Ace Hardware store in Fremont sells a meter-only box for $44.
Previously, I had the application down to two kV meters, one each in front of
my two subpanels, a $750 solution. There is a remote possibility of simplifying
the need to track PV production down to using no meters at all, but that would
entail convincing
PG&E to use a meter that will not automatically sum the delivered and consumed
"John Blittersdorf, Cent. VT Solar & Wind" wrote:
> In a message dated 9/6/01 11:47:51 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
> hugh.piggott at enterprise.net writes:
> << I paid about $700 for my power analyser clampmeter (works OK). But a
> kWh meter is the bottom line. >>
> Hugh, thanks for that thought. Now I have another reason to install a kWh
> meter on the output of the SW4024 in all my grid tie systems. With the C40
> DVM and the kWh meters near each other, it should be fairly easy to
> determine the best set point.
> John
> CVSolar
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