Kohler 25/30 kw 3 phase [RE-wrenches]
Travis Creswell, Ozark Solar
ozsolar at ipa.net
Sun Apr 8 14:01:58 PDT 2001
What about an new single phase head? Probably costs more than a whole new
generator before the labor to put it on but I you might ask around.
Next bad idea..
How about a rotary phase converter (in reverse?)? That's what we call them
anyway. Typically you'll see them when a homeowner gets pretty serious
about wood or metal working and ends up with 3 phase equipment that won't
run at his single phase shop. I have hooked them up to single phase
generators to get 3 phase out. There must be reason that they won't work in
reverse but I couldn't tell you.
Any modification would have to be cheaper than a battery charger for the 3rd
phase and I don't see anything wrong with that. It seems like I paid over
a $1000 for the rotary phase converters.
I would guess that the stacked inverters are looking at phase to neutral AND
phase to phase voltage. If either one looks funny then they won't switch to
that power source. Trace would have to answer that one. It might be as
easy a opening up the voltage input window. If the 4024's can't take
120/208 and if there is no need to have 120/240 out of the inverter system
why not un hook the stacking interface. You might have to break half the
loads off on to a new panel and feed each one from a dedicated inverter or
it might be as easy as doubling the existing neutral to the current panel.
I don't know if I would be too worried about perfectly balancing the 3
phases especially if you are only talking about running the generator 50 hrs
or so a year. Of course if the generator runs many 100's of hrs per year I
would work pretty hard at balancing them.
Travis Creswell
Ozark Solar
----- Original Message -----
From: "Drake Chamberlin - Electrical Energy" <solar at eagle-access.net>
> A third question is "have we missed anything?"
> Thanks you.
> Drake
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