Bergey XL.1 delays [RE-wrenches]
Bob-O Schultze, Electron Connection
econnect at
Sun Mar 18 19:13:35 PST 2001
<x-flowed>Chris ETAL,
Not only that, but all Bergey will give you is 20% off list. Sorry,
that's just not enough profit for a project as big as installing an
XL. There is usually not such a thing as just one service call on a
defective machine. It's one to troubleshoot and tear it down, another
to get it back together and up when the parts come. Net profit = <0.
Might be a great machine, but unless Mike signs a paper vowing to pay
my time and mileage in the event of a warrantee failure, I, for one,
ain't gonna sell his machine.
>Just a thought. There's something good to be said about a manufacturer who
>only sells through its distribution network--otherwise, they're competing
>with the dealer network they're supposed to be supporting.
- - - - - - -
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