Trace wish list, Wrench Logo [RE-wrenches]
Bob-O Schultze, Electron Connection
econnect at
Wed Jan 17 08:25:39 PST 2001
Agreed. But the nonvolatile RAM is so high up on the wish list that
I'm thinking the default settings will be mostly moot for Wrenches.
DIY folks can either read the book or take their chances. Mail-order
folks that give (and know) a damn about system design could
preprogram the beastie for them. Of course, they could always call
the We' where they bought it for
support. Gives me a warm fuzzy just to think of it.
>Consider this scenario: You have a remote client with a wacked out
>inverter and it needs to be reset, but you can't get there for two
>days. I imagine you would be more comfortable asking them to reset
>an inverter themselves if you knew there would be no possible
>battery damage that could happen in the short term. (This reset is
>pending your arrival to ascertain the full situation).
- - - - - - -
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